Heensa Modular Furniture

Heensa is a modular furniture system, a versatile and eco-conscious solution to contemporary living

The Heensa Brand

Zurich-based Heensa,  is a  transformative, eco-friendly modular
furniture system, redefining  the concept of furniture by offering endless creative possibilities.

This system empowers users to craft a variety of furniture
pieces, from shelves to beds, using recyclable parts, thereby challenging and altering the prevailing norms of
disposable furniture


  • Brand Design
  • Prototype production
  • Motion Design 
  • 3D designs
  • Product Design
  • Marketing Campaign
  • Social Media Campaign
  • Product Launch 

Innovation & Simplicity: Heensa

Heensa mixes simplicity with adaptability, allowing users to effortlessly assemble and reassemble parts in diverse configurations, reminiscent of playing with Legos. The system integrates three fundamental elements: tubes, connectors, and surfaces, each meticulously designed to ensure flexibility and durability.

Constructed from stainless steel and aluminium, Heensa’s creations are nearly indestructible and environmentally responsible. These materials are infinitely recyclable, minimizing waste and promoting sustainability, positioning Heensa as a durable alternative to transient “fast furniture.”

Limitless Possibilities: Heensa opens the door to boundless creative possibilities, offering users the flexibility to modify and adapt their furniture to suit evolving needs and preferences, eliminating the necessity for new acquisitions with every change in living situation or décor preference.

Affordability & Timelessness:
Heensa is devoted to delivering high-end, aesthetically pleasing furniture at reasonable prices. We uphold the
belief that superior design is timeless and should be universally accessible. Given its unparalleled durability,
Heensa’s furniture is an investment for generations

About Heensa:

Headquartered in Zurich, Heensa is a pioneering modular furniture system embodying style, adaptability, and ecological responsibility. Rooted in principles of environmental consciousness, premium quality, and modularity, Heensa addresses the dynamic lifestyles of contemporary individuals and contributes to a sustainable future

Super clean design, and practical to evolve with my livestyle
Peter Scofield