
for Artificial Intelligence

At Brandly, we design memorable user experiences and interfaces for AI and ML digital products, aiming to make complex technology easy and intuitive for everyone

AI Since 2014

We’re more than just a design agency; we’re pioneers who blend AI innovation with designs that everyone loves to use. Since 2014, starting with a groundbreaking AI solution for the Swiss government, we’ve been at the forefront of making AI technology accessible, engaging, and beneficial for businesses. Our commitment has always been to push the limits of AI and user experience, aiming to not only improve how people interact with technology but also to enhance customer retention and conversion rates. With Brandly, you get a team that’s dedicated to creating experiences users love, powered by AI.
AI + Design + UX = Rocketfuel for your brand

Our AI/UX design methodology leverages deep user research, iterative testing, and transparent AI integration to create intuitive, personalized experiences that drive real, measurable results.



Our AI/UX design methodology is a user-centered, iterative process that seamlessly integrates AI to create intuitive, personalized, and transparent user experiences.

Discovery and Research
  • Conduct market analysis and user research to understand the needs, behaviors, and pain points of target users.
  • Develop user personas and customer journey maps to guide the design process.
Strategy and Planning
  • Define project goals, objectives, and success metrics.
  • Create a product strategy and positioning roadmap to ensure alignment with business goals.
  • Generate ideas and concepts based on research insights.
  • Develop initial wireframes and prototypes to visualize the user flow and interface structure.
  • Create high-fidelity prototypes to test the design concepts.
  • Use interactive elements to simulate real-world usage and gather feedback.
User Flow and Interaction Design
  • Map out detailed user flows to ensure efficient and intuitive navigation.
  • Design interaction patterns that facilitate seamless user experiences.
AI Integration
  • Integrate AI components into the design to enhance functionality and personalization.
  • Ensure that AI features are user-friendly and align with the overall design.
Iteration and Refinement
  • Continuously refine the design based on user feedback and data analytics.
  • Implement iterative cycles to enhance usability, functionality, and user satisfaction.
Usability Testing
  • Conduct usability tests with real users to identify issues and gather feedback.
  • Analyze test results to inform iterative improvements in the design.
Visual Design
  • Craft a modern, tech-inspired visual design that reflects the brand’s identity.
  • Develop a design system to ensure consistency across all user interface elements.
Implementation and Development
  • Collaborate with development teams to bring the design to life.
  • Ensure that the implementation aligns with the design specifications and user needs.
Launch and Evaluation
  • Launch the AI-powered product and monitor its performance.
  • Evaluate user feedback and performance metrics to identify areas for further improvement.
Continuous Improvement
  • Launch the AI-powered product and monitor its performance.
  • Evaluate user feedback and performance metrics to identify areas for further improvement.

The user tells the computer the desired result but does not specify how this outcome should be accomplished. ...This paradigm completely reverses the locus of control.



3 elements for AI design

01 // Design for AI

Design for AI means we design user-friendly interfaces specifically for AI products, making them intuitive for people to use and interact with.

02 // Designing with AI

Designing with AI involves teamwork between humans and AI, using AI’s data insights to guide creative decisions together.

03 // Designed by AI

Designed by AI means AI algorithms automatically create visual and structural designs based on set criteria, making the design process faster.



for Ai

Our UX framework begins by understanding users and their context, focusing on user-centered and effective designs.

We create enjoyable interactions and prioritize trust, especially in AI, through transparency and reliability. Continuous testing and feedback refine our designs for real-world needs. Our goal is to create intuitive and meaningful AI interactions.


Understanding User Needs: Identifying and analyzing the needs, behaviors, and expectations of the target users.

Context Analysis: Assessing the environment in which the AI application will be used. Designing for Interaction: Focusing on how users will interact with the AI, ensuring usability and accessibility.
Designing for Interaction: Focusing on how users will interact with the AI, ensuring usability and accessibility.
Building Trust: Developing mechanisms to foster user trust in AI systems, such as transparency and reliability.


Iterative Testing and Feedback: Continually testing the AI system with real users and iterating based on their feedback.




Efficient Project Kickoff and Resource Allocation


Discovery and Planning


Conceptualization and Strategy


Design and User Flow


AI Integration and Prototyping


Testing and Iteration


Implementation and Improvemen..

about AI Design

Unlock the limitless possibilities of AI design with us—where innovative technology meets user-centered design to transform your business.
Get in touch to explore more and read our articles for a deeper dive into the future of AI.


  • AI-Powered E-commerce Recommendations:
    We design AI systems that deliver personalized shopping experiences, recommending products tailored to user behaviors and preferences.
  • Adaptive Learning Platforms:
    Our platforms adapt to each learner’s style and pace, creating a customized educational experience.
  • Financial Advisory Solutions:
    We develop financial tools powered by AI, offering bespoke advice and insights to demystify complex data for informed decision-making.
  • AI-Driven Healthcare Diagnostics:
    Our team crafts user-friendly interfaces for diagnostic tools, improving accuracy and ease of use for healthcare professionals.
  • Smart Home Interfaces:
    We create intuitive controls for smart home devices, making daily interactions seamless and efficient.



in Ai


Streamlined Operations: Automation of routine tasks, enhancing efficiency.


Informed Decisions: Data-driven insights for smarter, strategic choices.


Personalized Engagement: Tailored customer experiences at scale.


Competitive Edge:
Positioning as a forward-thinking industry leader.


Innovative Solutions: AI-driven innovation in products and services.


Cost Savings: Operational optimization reducing overheads.


Scalable Growth: Handling increased workload without proportional cost rise.


Risk Mitigation: Advanced analytics for proactive risk management.


Enhanced Brand Perception Perception: Showcasing your business as innovative and customer-focused.


Marketing and Sales Boost: Targeted campaigns and improved conversion rates.